2014 CPA Exam Pass Rates Released; Q4 Takes a Plunge

24 Dec 2014

CPA Exam Pass Rates


The AICPA has released the Q4 2014 CPA Exam Pass Rates.

The Q4 Pass Rates are bad relative to the rest of 2014.

AUD 2014
Q1: 47.35%
Q2: 48.97%
Q3: 47.41%
Q4: 42.06%

BEC 2014
Q1: 53.28%
Q2: 58.20%
Q3: 57.90%
Q4: 51.95%

FAR 2014
Q1: 44.06%
Q2: 47.72%
Q3: 51.14%
Q4: 45.96%

REG 2014
Q1: 49.17%
Q2: 51.69%
Q3: 52.21%
Q4: 44.49%

However, Q4 is basically a push compared to previous years.

Q4 2014: 42.06
Q4 2013: 42.95
Q4 2012: 44.15

Q4 2014: 51.95
Q4 2013: 54.44
Q4 2012: 50.57

Q4 2014: 45.96
Q4 2013: 45.28
Q4 2012: 45.53

Q4 2014: 44.49
Q4 2013: 46.61
Q4 2012: 46.02

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Roy S 10 years ago

Because no one is motivated by decrease in salary, and oversaturation of accountants in addition to the cost of each exam.

Stephanie 10 years ago

Wow, makes me feel a little less horrible about my failing score on REG in October... May Q1 2015 pass rates trend in the other direction!