The AICPA has released the 2014 CPA Exam Pass Rates for Q3.
AUD 2014 Pass Rates
Q3: 47.41%
Q2: 48.97%
Q1: 47.35%
Q3 2014: 47.41%
Q3 2013: 46.71%
Q3 2012: 50.06%
BEC 2014 Pass Rates
Q3: 57.90%
Q2: 58.20
Q1: 53.28%
Q3 2014: 57.90%
Q3 2013: 58.54%
Q3 2012: 57.71%
FAR 2014 Pass Rates
Q3: 51.14%
Q2: 47.720%
Q1: 44.06%
Q3 2014: 51.14%
Q3 2013: 51.23%
Q3 2012: 53.91%
REG 2014 Pass Rates
Q3: 52.21%
Q2: 51.69%
Q1: 49.17%
Q3 2014: 52.21%
Q3 2013: 49.80%
Q3 2012: 51.26%
1. AUD has taken a hit since the 2013 Clarified Auditing Standards were introduced to the exam.
2. BEC is still strong – approaching 60%.
Additional Information
Check out the Pass Rate Discussion in the CPA Exam Forum.
See CPA Exam Pass Rates from prior quarters.