The AICPA has released the CPA Exam Pass Rates for Q2 2011. Just like Q1, 2011 scores are down compared to 2010.
Auditing and Attestation:
2011 Q2: 47.95%
2010 Q2: 50.75%
Business Environment and Concepts:
2011 Q2: 46.48%
2010 Q2: 48.86%
Financial Accounting and Reporting:
2011 Q2: 44.27%
2010 Q2: 48.37%
2011 Q2: 45.01%
2010 Q2: 52.05%
Analysis: Written communications may have bailed people out on FAR/REG/AUD more than we realized.
maybe it wasnt the written but now the sims are worth alot more
Good point - or a combo of both.
Definitely a combo of both. I doubt we will ever get back to those pass rates where all 4 sections are above 50%. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic though!
I actually got an 87 on audit q2. This with 3 days of studying. Previously I studied for 7 weeks in q3 of 2010 and scored 71. I think the new exam was stupid easy. There is no reason for pass rate to be so low. Ps I am not an auditor.
Joe- you probably just got lucky haha
I think the SIMS being worth so much more is HUGE! I even compared my REG scoring report to when I got a 75, and I did so much better this time on multiple choice, but I was weaker on SIMS, when I originally passed I think it was the other way around. I am just hoping not to make the same mistakes again. ;/
Joe - Its not that the new version is stupid easy, per se, but you did PREVIOUSLY take the exam and studied 7 weeks, hence, you are more knowledgeable about this exam in particular, compared to those individuals in Q2 who only have taken the exam once.
Joe-What the heck did you do for those 3 days man? What content or questions did you hit the most? Share on man!
Joe, I AM an auditor and I scored a 73. I passed this section before 19 months ago with an 83 on my first attempt. Can't help but feel that this "Uniform" exam has nothing Uniform about it anymore.
Glad that Joe is not an auditor. It appears he would not be great at making sense of things and thinking logically. Congrats to those passed. To those who failed, keep your heads up and keep on pushing!
I am convinced the graders see my name and just click 74 to irk me. But honestly I believe the additional weighting being placed on the TBS' will keep the passing grades low for a while until we change our study habits and place an increased emphasis on the new TBS'.
It is the 3rd time, planning to attend REG, 1st in Nov 10 - 70 and 2nd in May 11 - 72. actually i am very frustrated, i do not know where the problem is?