BEC 46.94%
FAR 45.95%
REG 45.66%
AUD 44.66%
Get it here.
Surprisingly, AUD had the lowest passing rate. It is generally regarded as the least-difficult section of the CPA Exam, while FARE is the hardest. Opinions vary, obviously.
BEC 46.94%
FAR 45.95%
REG 45.66%
AUD 44.66%
Get it here.
Surprisingly, AUD had the lowest passing rate. It is generally regarded as the least-difficult section of the CPA Exam, while FARE is the hardest. Opinions vary, obviously.
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I'm sitting for AUD at the end of May. Since it's the easiest part among the 4, I wonder if they are stricter at curving the AUD scores. By the way, I thought your Jason Bourne comment on CPAnet was funny. Someone removed the guy's post today.
I'm glad someone else thought it was funny too. :)
I am obsessed with the passing rate of each section. I guess I am worried I am not going to pass... so thank you for posting them.
Why did you lose the credit for FAR?
Why did you lose the credit for FAR?
18 month rule. Passing FARE felt like I had passed the Exam, so I took a year off and celebrated :)
Passed FAR and AUD this window. Failed REG. Glad to know that I'm part of those statistics (mostly on the passing side).
They don't curve the scores. Each question is weighted differently, but they DO NOT curve the scores.
Here is a good reference if you do not believe me, as I know this is a common misperception.