The $7.00 CPA Exam Flashcards promotion has ended.
However, you can still boost your CPA Exam Scores (for free).
Enter your email below and your Free CPA Review Materials…
(you're actually getting well-over $100 worth of materials for free when you consider that they are full chapters taken from the NINJA materials that cost nearly $1,000…)
NINJA Flashcards
CPA Exam Survival Guide
NINJA Study Planner
…will be delivered to your inbox faster than you can say HiYA!!.
Want to Pass the CPA Exam using only NINJA?
This video walks you through how to do it.
I bought the REG flashcards and they are AWESOME! They are already helping me exponentially more than just trying to read through the book or my notes alone. I swear I leaned more in 10 minutes using the flashcards than I did in hours of reading the book. Thank you, Jeff!!
Awesome. I had just downloaded the free download version before today and was curious. Thanks fro the awesome deal!
Thank you!!
Thanks Jeff!!!
These were great! Thanks.
Thanks so much! Looking forward to using the notes.
Thanks for the great flashcards, Jeff!! I've been looking for a study tool for my free moments, and your flashcards seem to be just the answer!! I received them moments after I submitted my payment!! Thanks for the quick and painless solution!!
thanks Jeff!
Thank you Jeff! I hope the cards will work for me! Anyway, thank you!
Great flashcards! Jeff is there an audio option?
Great to hear, John! You can get the Audio standalone (https://www.another71.com/products-page/ninja-audio/) or as part of the 10 Point Combo.
Excellent flashcards! I appreciate the the PC/Android/iPhone applications you provide to use with Brainscape. I have successfully loaded them on each electronic device I have so I will be able to gain those precious extra minutes of study painlessly. Great study tips and strategies on your video too!
Great flashcards! I like the ability to track proficiency with brainscape. Thanks!
I love these flashcards! I can't make them myself because I cant ever decide what is important and what isn't. These are awesome to study on the go or get a refresher on past topics!
I've got them, Really thnxxxxxxxxxxxxx, U R so kind man, that's extraordinaryyyyyyy, I love U so much bro !!
Thanks! I'm taking FAR in the next few weeks, and these will be great for review!
YOU ARE AWESOME AWESOME!!!! It was a smooth transaction and I did everything all on my phone. This is the only time Im doing the happy dance when it comes to studying for this test. Well besides when Im finally done. Thank thank you. So when you are coming out with your own full CPA review course- I would purchase it. You're more exciting than the boring Becker lecture dudes. If I have problems sleeping, I fire up a Becker lecture and works like a charm- Im out in five minutes. But if I was watching a HIYA lecture, I would be wide awake and really listening and retaining information. Thank thank you again.
Thanks Jeff ! You're awesome !!!
Thanks this is really helpful know i can study at my daughters soccer practice and not have to carry a ton of things with me.
Thanks a lot Jeff.
Got the flashcards to work on my Android GS3 and was studying on the train today. This rocks. You and your team are amazing!!! Thank you so much! :)
Thank you Jeff. This is the best deal ever.
Thank you very much Jeff! This is awesome!
I was hesitant to buy the flashcards since I already have one from Becker. Thanks Ninja Team! This is an awesome deal.