Dear NINJAs,
I have put myself in a bit of a pickle, and wonder what your thoughts are. I started studying for the CPA exam last year and passed my first section (AUD) in November and followed that up by passing BEC in January.
I've been using the CPA Review that was paid for by my previous employer. After passing BEC, I changed companies in February to a company that I absolutely love, bought a house with my wife (married less than a year at the time) and moved.
Well, after working on countless projects for the house and projects at work, I put aside studying for the exam a bit until this past summer when I sat for REG, and was crushed to find my score land at 73. After I collected myself from my failure, and spent some time preparing for the holidays and took a break from studying, I sat again for REG after Thanksgiving this year. I just found out that improved my score to a….74. Yay me.
So here lies my issue: I am scheduled to take FAR at the end of January (last day I can take it on my NTS), and I need to take REG again. The time crunch, I need to pass both by May in order to avoid my AUD credit rolling off and needing to study for that again. I would really like to avoid that because auditing is not a part of my work anymore and I would have to put in good study time to get that credit back.
If you could provide any thoughts/suggestions I would greatly appreciate it! Pairing your NINJA Audio (I have listened to the free samples that I received from you (Thanks by the way, super awesome!!)) with the lecture/questions that I have with the review software, I hope to muster two passing scores for REG and FAR before March when tax time gets really hectic.
Dear Aaron,
You're up against it, my man.
You basically have two shots on each remaining exam (FAR/REG).
FAR Strategery:
You clearly know how to study. You've passed two sections and are super-close on REG. You should replicate exactly what you've done before and no shortcuts (that means don't cut out your videos just because you're short on time. Instead, you should cut out sleep, Facebook, and the miscellaneous other distractions that are a time-suck in your life.)
As we say in fly-over country: GIT. R. DONE.
(we don't actually say that, btw…)
Should you add supplementary materials like the Ten Point Combo?
You said you liked the demo version and if you don't pass, you're not only out another NTS, but you also have to re-take AUD and would likely get it anyway if you fail in January for the April/May re-take.
Might as well get it now.
REG Strategery:
After you take in January before the NTS expires, jump into REG and take it by the end of February.
That sounds like cruel and unusual punishment, but so is re-taking an exam you've already passed (oh, and we NINJAs have been there and done that).
Scoring a 73 and a 74 (welcome to Club 74, by the way!), you may be tempted to say “I know this material – I've seen it ___x – I will just review the hard stuff.”
Don't. You will fail.
Watch your videos again.
Take notes again.
Work tons of MCQs again.
Add in the Ten Point Combo.
No Shortcuts.
By the time the March score release hits, you will know where you stand. Hopefully you'll be DONE. If not – you still have one more shot before AUD expires.
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This should serve as a warning for those that pass two test early and then take a break. Dont. I passed BEC and FAR in the first window. Now I have FIVE shots each at AUD and REG. If I work hard enough, I'll pass. If I only had two shots at each, then no, maybe I won't pass, and then you risk losing credits.
What would I Do...? My short answer would be forget the FAR January NTS and apply for a new NTS for REG and FAR... Double review REG without video lectures, Sit REG again Feb 28th (results out March 7th) Immediately after sitting REG start Double review of FAR with a first review deadline at end of April, and a second review deadline 1.5 weeks from May 28/29 exam day (Second review = No Videos / doing MCQs first and reviewing literature second if below 90% on MCQs). The 1.5 weeks is for drilling MCQs and Journal entries.