Hattie is a new weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since January 2011..
Bam! My name is Hattie and I am 26 years awesome. I am a Prairie Band Potawatomi and I grew up on a reservation.
I first sat for the CPA exams in August of 2008. I chose to take the toughest exam (for me) first, which is FAR. I figured it would be better to pass the hardest exam first because I would have the worst behind me when I started the 18-month period. I felt unprepared and not confident when I went to take it.
Afterward, I thought a lot of questions looked unfamiliar and was sure that I didnt pass. Well, I didnt pass. I decided to move on to studying AUD but ended up without a better result.
Accounting was not my first choice of a career. When I was in college I was unsure of what to study. My mentors advised me to study accounting. I thought that made sense so I graduated with my BBA in Accounting and Finance. Eventually, I decided to follow through and take the CPA exams.
At first, I was not serious about passing the CPA exam (even though I thought I was) and that is why I did not pass. I was not focused and my study plan was not structured. I decided to get mad (as Dave Ramsey would say when you have the “I've had it” moment and decide to get out of debt) and I consumed myself in my studying, closing down every library and coffee shop in the area.
My scores were FAR (73), AUD (72), BEC (74) and REG (72). Nice try but no cigar. I hate admitting that I didnt pass one exam after all of my efforts. I came across Another71.com and I saw how many brave souls post their exam results, even when they have taken the exams multiple times. This made me realize I was not alone in my mission to pass the CPA exam and that other people have the same problems that I do.
Many people have similar issues like not finding the time to study or have the lack of motivation to study. I see those people pass and I know that I will too. One of my teachers told me there is a correlation with fun and passing. The less fun you have the more likely it is that you will pass. I am not having fun so I am sure passing for me is just around the corner.
In the 50 things e-book you must know about the CPA exam, Jeff asks, What are the reasons for you to take the CPA exam? I have pondered this question many times.
1) I want to be a leader in my tribe.
2) I want to gain the credibility and experience in the field of accounting.
3) I want to be financially secure so that I can help others.
As of now, I have passed FAR (79 – that Beast!) and BEC (77).
When I passed FAR, I was thinking, I should have passed long time ago but I am glad I am done with it. I come across my FAR books sometimes and I think Uh, I hope we never meet again which gives me that urgency to finish sooner rather than later. I like to bring up my passing score online and just stare at it (and to make sure it hasnt changed).
I passed BEC after I took it for the second time. I only had a week to restudy for it because I wanted to squeeze in AUD and BEC before the 2011 exam changes. Afterward, I felt that I passed AUD and thought maybe I passed BEC. It is weird how it worked out; I spent far less time on BEC and that is the one I pass.
BEC was my strongest subject and in hindsight maybe I should have led with that one because passing that first exam gives you confidence like nothing else. It makes passing the exams seem obtainable.
I retake AUD on February 15. I hope to stare at that passing score soon. Right now my mood is optimistic; I never intended to quit and I will not until I am a CPA.