Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Im a little behind in my schedule, but sometimes I think I get behind because my schedule is too intense. Maybe I just set myself up for failure. I can never seem to finish the MCQs in the time that I allot for them. Ive started allowing more wiggle room in my schedule for these instances.
I hurt my leg in the mud run, so I cant work out right now, which is making me feel lazy. It would be nice to be able to get out and exercise again, but just moving furniture irritates my knee.
Ive been studying a good amount every day, but at the end of every day I still feel like I havent accomplished much. I guess this comes from being unemployed. On that front, I had an interview on Thursday that went well, but the position is temporary, which isnt ideal.
I finished AUD-1 and Roger has 6 chapters for Audit, so I definitely need to pick up the pace for my July 11th test date. Watching Rogers course is refreshing, but the MCQs are killing me. Audit is just so boring and there is no way around it.
Roger CPA Review seems to be covering all of the MCQs in the Wiley book, which is good for exam preparation, but bad for my mental sanity. I was planning on rescheduling the test to be early, but that wont happen unless I expedite my studying. Today I am going to volunteer at the local animal shelter. Im pretty excited about doing this and I think it will be a nice change in my daily routine.
I, like many of you, am starting to get anxious for the score release even though Im not expecting good news. I hate score release time because it always distracts me from studying. I will definitely be staying away from the forums around the week of the 20th. If I dont stay away I will surely be obsessing about my score instead of studying.
I already put in a new application, because CA takes a really long time to process their applications. I can either choose to re-test FAR, test BEC, or both after I get my score. Ive done this before and it always works out well since CA takes 2-3 weeks to process a repeat application. I think they take 10 weeks for a new application!!
A quote to end with:
Failure is the foundation of success; success is lurking in the place of failure Laozi
Study Hard!