Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Im back!!
Ive taken a very long break from blogging and its been both a depressing break but also productive.
I had my FAR exam on 1/7 and I totally bombed it. I got food poisoning on New Years Day so the whole week leading up to my test I was feeling quite under the weather. This also caused a lot of negative thoughts to come into my head.
This has happened to me before in the weeks leading me up to an exam and is never good. I am not a very good test taker, but my worst enemy is often myself because my head gets full of bad thoughts. I really need to force myself to think positive and I am really trying to improve on that in the new year.
Well, once I got that miserable FAR exam out of the way I started right in with Roger CPA Review. I am studying for AUD now and Roger is really great with AUD. Since I have taken AUD before I am really trying to focus on my weak parts, which are the SIMS in audit.
This requires some studying outside of Wiley and Roger and into the accounting textbooks and even into the Wiley FAR book. Sometimes I feel like I am wasting my time flipping through books and not actually studying but Im hoping all the effort into finding this nitty gritty information will help on exam day.
Im also trying the Pomodoro technique of studying, which is talked about on the Another71.com forums. It is forcing yourself to study for 25 minutes and not get distracted by other things. Google it!
I just started but it seems to be working. I can do about 18-20 audit MCQs in 25 minutes and this is great considering I usually stop to check my email, phone, etc almost every 15 minutes! I think trying new techniques while studying can be beneficial, especially when you get in a rut like I have been. Hopefully some of my new techniques help and I am newly motivated!
Study Hard!