Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Happy Holidays!
It seems to be a theme this week that it is certainly hard to focus on the CPA exam and participate/get ready for/enjoy the holidays at the same time. While I am not glad my fellow bloggers have had the same trouble I have had, I am glad to see that I am not alone!
Scheduling my test for the week after New Years now in retrospect seems like a bad idea, but I am going to follow through with that date, because I have rescheduled way too many times.
While I am not thankful to have a test early next year, I am thankful for a few things that happened this year. This year has been a very hard year.
I got laid off from a job I loved and learned a hard lesson that a good group of people (i.e. my whole department!!) can be dispensable. Unfortunately, I think millions of Americans learned this same lesson as many companies tried to reorganize under these hard economic times.
I got a 71 and a 72 on Audit and lost my Regulation credit. The Audit exam has really tested my commitment to the CPA exam.
But good things have happened too. I got a new job. Even though it is temporary, it is a good job with good people and I enjoy being there. I got engaged. And I got a puppy that is now a dog!
This week, even though its hard to keep up with studying, Ive put in a few hours every night. Last weekend wasnt very good because I was busy wrapping and I am the slowest wrapper ever. I think next year I am using gift bags only!
Right now I am reviewing MCQs, and I am almost done with the MCQs in FAR-1 of Roger CPA Review. For those not familiar with Roger, there are 8 chapters, so I need to get moving in order to review all of them.
Happy Holidays and Happy Studying!!