Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
At this point I feel like I should name my blog Set Back. But we all have set backs, right??
This is my third week at my new job. My second week I got a wicked cold and wasnt really able to study. I did study one or two days, but I ended up watching those lectures over on the weekend because when I looked back at the material I didnt even remember what I watched!!
So I rescheduled my test AGAIN! As much as Im disappointed in myself for going a whole window without testing, Im also pretty sure about my decision because I know Im not ready, and I know FAR just takes me a looong time because Im so slow at FAR MCQs.
Now that REG has expired I am not racing against a clock, and I know I need to start fresh and to do this right. That means not rushing to take a test Im not ready for.
At first I was following the Roger CPA Review method of studying by doing the MCQs after each section, but I have been getting so behind that I am now following Jeffs method. Now that I rescheduled my test Im not sure if I should switch back or not. Anyone have any advice?
I suspect it doesnt really matter that much either way and overall its just the process of getting the basis of knowledge and then pounding that knowledge in with MCQs whichever way is easier for the test taker is best.
In other set back news, Ive been on a diet and I gained half a pound this week. Ive been on my diet for about a month and lost about 6 pounds, so its not too bad, but disappointing to say the least. Last week and this weekend I cheated on my diet and cheated on my study plan. But this week Im definitely back on the horse.
Back to the grind. Study hard!