Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
On Saturday night I jumped out of bed, remembering that the California Board of Accountancy had possibly uploaded some audit scores that morning. I loaded the site to see at the top my EXPIRED score for REG and nothing for AUD so right away I knew I hadnt passed. I got a 72. Last time I got a 71.
According to my score report I got stronger in two sections, weaker in one (Understanding the Entity- still need to look that up because the new CSOs confuse me) and comparable in the rest. I got comparable in the MCQ and weaker in the SIMS.
Last time my score report was quite different, because I got weaker in MCQs and comparable in SIMS and written. Anyone else totally miss written and hate the new SIMS (ok, ok TBS!!)??
I know what part killed me because I had two SIMS using one skill. Ive tried to study this skill many times but my base of knowledge is so poor it is hard to build on nothing. On one hand Im disappointed, on the other hand Im still shocked and I kind of feel there isnt much I would have done differently.
I dont know if I need a tutor to learn this one skill or what. It will probably come up in FAR also, which Im studying for now, so I better think of something.
Audit is really the bane of my existence because both times I havent passed it, Ive been close and felt pretty good about my studying techniques and habits. Its heartbreaking to feel like I worked hard and did everything right and then not get a passing score. There have been times when I knew I messed up and getting a bad score seems like no big deal.
But its time to dust myself off and regroup. Im actually at Starbucks right now studying for FAR with Roger CPA Review. I decided to keep on with FAR even though Im only on FAR-2, out of 8 chapters, because the thought of studying for AUD makes me sick. Since it will be my 4th (omg!!!) try I dont think that taking a break will hurt me a lot.
Anyway, back to the grind. Literally!
Study hard!!
I know what if feels like, took me 5 times to pass. The TBS had been giving me a hard time, so I practiced them this time around. Keep it up, you're very close!! ;)
I got a 72 also! The TBS gave me a tough time! I want the written back!