Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Im still having trouble getting motivated and getting back into the groove of studying. This week has been a real struggle but hopefully today I can buckle down and get some real work down.
We have also been going through a late summer heat wave, so its hard to keep cool at my house, even with air conditioning.
I only have until Thursday to study because Friday-Monday Im going to Las Vegas. I think this will be my last trip for awhile since summer is coming to an end and my boyfriend doesnt want to take any more days off of work.
On the job front I heard from one place who said that they are going a different direction.
The other place said they are still interviewing candidates and I should hear in a week. I really need to get my studying for Financial Accounting and Reporting well underway before I start a job I dont want to feel like I wasted all of this time off.
Studying with Roger CPA Review is going good. I still like the program quite a bit. One of my favorite things is the little graphs he makes in his books that summarize everything quite nicely.
This is great for me because on the long lectures I get overwhelmed by the little details and this wraps is up for me. Especially in FAR, things can get so confusing and his book simplifies everything so well.
I better get back to studying!
Study hard!!