Beastly AUD; Next Up FAR

14 Aug 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

So I took AUD on Thursday, and they might call FAR The Beast, but the AUD TBS were quite beastly!! I had been practicing an insane amount of MCQs the days leading up, but still didn’t hit some topics as hard as I wanted.

I whizzed through the MCQ and even though I tried to slow down, I finished them all in almost 90 minutes. Then I took my sweet time on the TBS and took a little over 90 minutes for those. I came out of the exam with about 45-50 minutes left on the clock.

I’m not usually a fast exam taker, but the AUD MCQ have no calculations and I’ve been practicing so many that I think I got very quick at them. I think having a lot of time for TBS was good because I got to check some answers in the literature.

Last time I took AUD I failed with a 71 and I was so upset I said I was done with the CPA and didn’t take another exam for four months. Going into and coming out of that exam I said I nailed it. I’m very wary to say that I think I passed, but I prepared pretty well and Roger CPA Review certainly did a fine job of preparing me fairly painlessly.

Now I am onto FAR. At first I was trying to choose between Becker and Roger for my review course. One of the “perks” (HA!) of having taken the exam so many times is I get a “2nd chance discount” from a lot of review companies, so my options for reviews are a little easier on the pocket book.

I ultimately decided on Roger CPA Review because I loved it for audit. Roger is easier to watch than most other courses I’ve tried, and I love how the lectures are broken up. Also, I was pleasantly surprised because I ordered FAR last Friday and got it by Tuesday!! Wow!

Study Hard!! I will be lounging today and maybe writing out a study plan later today.

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Angie 14 years ago

Good luck Stephanie, I'm gearing up for AUD on the 22nd. People are all saying how they had so much time leftover in AUD, but I've still ran out of time both times I've taken it this year. I do know it's because of the SIMS, they are TOUGH cookies!!

Nick 14 years ago

I also took auditing on Thursday, August 12th. I took zoomed throught the MC. I was done with the MC in about 90 minutes also. Two of the simulations were research questions, so I know I nailed them! The other simulations were not too bad. Definately not as hard as the Regulation simulations!

Stephanie 14 years ago

2 research sims!! Luck duck!! However when I took FAR the research was hard...the think they asked for was kind of general and I couldn't really pinpoint the section very well. This time it was a total slam dunk so I was glad about that one. At least I know I got 1 sim right! Good luck Angie! I found that practicing a lot of MCQ really improved my MCQ times and therefore left me a lot of time for SIMS. I like gliem for this, but I still use Wiley too.