Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
By the end of last week I had caught up to my study schedule and that was a relief. I studied every day of last weekend and I was quite proud of myself.
Despite that, my schedule is so tight I had only left 1-2 days to review so I decided to postpone my test. I know how important it is to review, and I just have to pass this test this time.
Unfortunately, this week started off slow and then yesterday I caught a cold, so I have only done a few MCQs yesterday and today. I keep trying to push myself, but I feel so fatigued that its hard.
Being sick in the summer is the worst! Now I am really glad that I postponed my test, but I didnt plan on going days with no studying!!
I know that I wont be taking another test this window, so I scheduled it for the 9th so I have plenty of time to catch up. Im about halfway through AUD-5 in Roger CPA Review. I think I should be able to get back to my usual pace this weekend and will be done with the whole course sometime in the middle of next week.
Then I will be out of town Thursday through Sunday at our family lake home. I will definitely do some review while there because we watch a lot of TV at night, and I get bored of TV.
Im not sure exactly how to approach a final review using Rogers course. In the past I just did a ton of review questions. I have at least a week. I was thinking of redoing any questions I got wrong the first time around. I also skipped some practice SIMS, so I will go through those.
Anyone have any tips for my final review?
Study hard!
If you're almost done with AUD 5, I assume you'll finish this weekend, this leaves you two weeks for review. What I'm going to do is pretty much work EVERY multiple choice question from Wiley, and take notes on the ones I get wrong. I keep track of the ones I get wrong, and re-work those later. If you have time to re-write notes I think that would also be helpful, but other than that you're on the right track.