Sherri is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Charlie Brown and the Football
Hi everyone. My name is Sherri. I am new to the blogosphere, but not new to the site. I've been at this quest since 2009 and thought that writing about my experiences might help others who are also faced with this challenge.
I started the exam process in 2009 and had all but one part, FAR, passed by the end of that year. Only one part to go for 2010. I thought my way was paved smooth as silk.
I changed jobs, moved and suddenly found 2010 slipping away. I had all year to take this one little bitty test.
I finally took it in November 2010, and …. you guessed it… failed it by the narrowest of margins and lost credit for parts previously passed.
I am now back at the books again and looking forward to nailing the next test in November.
My friends and family have all told me that this test doesn't define me. Somewhere deep in the middle of my soul, the things that DO define me live and will one day emerge again.
I'm a cyclist, a tennis player, a workout chick, a writer, a singer (in my own mind) and a word freak. I'm a mom, a wife, and an employee. I love my job and the folks I work with. I am passionate about my city – Austin, Texas, and cherish my precious free time with family and friends.
I am really excited to be part of this studious CPA community. In truth, I need the accountability. I've done most of my studying using Becker. I'm ready to try a new approach. I've stubbornly resisted changing programs.
I'm now convinced that change of all kinds needs to occur…. a change in how and what I study….. a change in my attitude about studying for the CPA exam, and most importantly…. a change in the result!
So, I'll end my first post by saying that I'm tired of being like Charlie Brown. It isn't my destiny for me to keep running to the kick the football, only to have Lucy (the AICPA) yank the ball away.
It's time to score!
See you next week.