Shawn is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since December 2010.
Dear Another71.com,
My younger brother moved in with me and my roommates a couple months ago. We rent a four bedroom house with a nice backyard and he has been bugging us about getting a dog.
As mentioned last week, I found out my failing grade for REG so sent an email to my dad (who lives out of the country) with the bad news. He sent me the following reply:
Hi Shawn,
Too bad to hear you failed the exam. Its okay, you can try again. Buy the material and start studying soon.
My advice: put yourself in a corner. Think that if you do not pass the test, you will be crucified! You have to be serious, then you can concentrate while you study.
I will drink and have fun on your behalf. Your brother can go on dates on your behalf. For now, you need to just concentrate on studying.
For those of us actually studying for the exam, I know being told to concentrate and study harder is redundant, not to mention insulting, but he means the best and has actually been very supportive throughout.
Anyway, my brother sends the following response:
Hi Dad,
Should I adopt a dog? I can train it to attack Shawn if he is not studying.
Gotta love my family.
So, here are the goals for the next week:
Select a date for retake of REG(End of July or early August) and schedule
Rewrite my notes using a special format learned from (The notebooks of Tokyo University students are always beautiful). More on this to follow in the next post.
Buy protective gear and some decoy steak
Shawn, Your Father is right. I just finished the CPA exam after being out of school for over 15 years. It took a lot of sacrafice, which meant not being at all of the family functions or staying in contact with people like you normally do. My thought process is this, "What is the cost of not passing the exam?" All the best, Barry
I'm glad to see some Asian here! I'm in the same boat !