Shanti is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since December 2010.
Well, I finally pulled the trigger and picked my exam sections for my NTS. And wouldnt you know it, my stomach has been in knots since.
I cant imagine what its going to be like actually taking an exam or waiting for scores!
Besides all of you, my oldest daughter is the only who knows Ive actually picked my sections. Im not certain why I havent told anyone yet.
Maybe its the added pressure of having someone ask me if Ive scheduled those sections yet or remind me that I should be studying.
Over the summer I went to the Roger CPA Review Accelerated review course and I am now following the 3 month study plan. So today, even though we went to my parents to grill for the holiday, I worked on FAR conceptual framework. I feel like I know Ill get any questions about this section right, as Ive had a handful of start and stops as far as studying goes.
I also was finally asked to come in and start working per diem for a local CPA. As I didnt come from an accounting background, I still have to get my hours in for licensure.
Its a small office, and he had me come in now because his staff accountant wanted to reduce her hours so she could study for the exam! I havent had a chance to get to know her, but maybe we can study together or at the very least commiserate.
Starting work and trying to study is going to prove interesting. I dont have to sleep for the next 3 months, right? Lets hope for the perfect balance between studying, work, and home. Like I said, no sleep for the next 3 months sounds doable. Whos with me?