Shanti is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since December 2010.
I cant believe so much time has passed since my last post. It makes sense, though.
My last post was just after corporate tax extensions were due. Now its just after individual tax extensions were due. Boy has it been a busy few weeks.
I have learned more in the last couple weeks about taxes than I realized there was to know. I thought I had seen a few things, but the files that kept landing on my desk were such learning experiences of practical applications.
I am really glad, though.
I was able to get my test scheduled since my last post, and REG is next Tuesday! NEXT TUESDAY?! Oh wow thats not nearly enough time!
According to my study schedule, I am very behind. I was doing MCQs Monday afternoon and was doing great on them. However, its time to expand the topics Im studying and figure out my weak areas. I will be purchasing the Roger CPA Review Cram for REG.
Well, time to get back to it. Theres only so many hours left until my date with REG.
Wish me luck!
Good luck! I have FAR Tuesday... AHHHH... :) We can do it!
I'm with you! REG on Thursday! Not sure I'm ready... but are we ever truly ready??