New Material Added to REG; Starting to Panic?

02 Jun 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Rebecca is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since June 2010.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Stephen A. Brennan

I saw this quote this morning and thought of myself over the past week. I set the goal of finishing up the corporation and estate and gift tax lectures and I succeeded. I even went above and beyond my own goal and completed the lectures on professional responsibilities and the securities acts of 1933 and 1934. Needless to say I am proud of myself! I am hoping and praying to be on my own route to success because I don’t have room for failure this time around.

This week I am going to go out on a whim and set the goal of finishing up the tax lectures. This may be unattainable where my work’s annual Red Sox game is tonight and I cannot miss that event! Who could pass up a free night out on the firm to watch your beloved home team!? I will just have to work extra hard this weekend in between my little brother’s going away party and my own errands that need to get done.

He is moving to Florida this weekend to fulfill his own goals and I am so proud of him. This is the year of goals in my family that’s for sure!

I noticed on Facebook on the another71 fan page this weekend that REG is adding some information starting 7/1.

I can’t lie I am in a bit of a panic over it. I am even debating on moving my testing date to allow myself one extra week of studying. I am on vacation the week after my original test date of 7/2 so the extra time to study may be worth my while. Anyone else starting to panic?

I sometimes feel that the forums freak me out with everyone saying how prepared they were walking into REG and then left feeling as though they knew nothing at all. Almost makes me wonder if I ever will pass this exam.

I can’t let others thoughts on REG dictate how I go about the exam though because I think if that were the case I would throw in the towel and just walk into the exam blind. I am trying to look past others experiences and worry only about myself because in the end who are we really trying to please? No one but ourselves!

Each and every one of us decided to take this journey and at the end of the day if we can look ourselves in the mirror and say I gave it my all then I think we should be proud of ourselves regardless of the outcome.

Here’s to a successful week of studying! Good luck everyone ?


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Mike 14 years ago

Dumb question from somebody just starting to study for REG: Do we have to know 2010 tax law? Or just 2011? (I would have guessed 2011, but my 2011 study materials have lots of 2010-specific information in them.)

Chris 14 years ago

Rebecca I felt the same way when I took REG back in Nov...I walked out feeling as if I failed, or if I did pass it was by the skin of my teeth. After an unbearable wait I got my score and wound up with an 82! It does seem pretty unfair that they are adding all kinds of new stuff in the middle of the game like this, (I still need to take FAR in Aug...that should be fun) but as long as you study and work at it I'm sure you will be just fine! :-)

Kari 14 years ago

Keep it together Rebecca, you can do it. :) I'm sitting for REG July 11, so I know how you feel. Just keep studying and stay on track and you'll be fine.

Rebecca 14 years ago

Thanks for all your words of encouragement! It always helps to know people are in the same boat and just as fustrated at times :) Happy Studying!