FAR Lectures, MCQs, and NINJA Notes

16 Dec 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Rebecca is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since June 2010.

I have finally completed the 51 grueling hours of FAR lectures! Don’t get me wrong; I needed all 51 of them but when you just studied for BEC, it’s a lot.

I think I have spent more time with Cindy Thompson than my own husband the past few weeks. I am pretty sure I see him mocking her over my shoulder as I listen to her each night. I suppose I would be a little jealous too!

This week my goal is to get through the multiple choice questions for a few modules and start rewriting the NINJA Study Notes whenever I have some down time at work.

I get so overwhelmed when I get to this point each time. I feel as though I freeze up once it comes time to working the questions. I obviously know that I need to work them in order to succeed, but I just hate when I keep marking things as wrong.

This exam kills me. I was always that girl in school who did really well. I rarely got any disappointing grades which in my eyes were below a B+. That being said, this exam seizes to amaze me and kills my confidence with each failing grade that I receive.

This truly is one of the most trying things I have done thus far in my life. However I think that is what keeps me going and makes me want to pass even more so. I know the feeling of accomplishment will be worth it in the end.

Today is my annual evaluation at work and I know that the exam is going to come up. I made it my goal last year to finish the exam and as all of you know that has not occurred yet. I am debating on asking if we can just talk about it right away so that way I don’t have to finish my evaluation on a negative note. I mean, really what more is there to say about it? It is what it is and I try my hardest. That’s about all I got for them!

Wish me luck today! Happy studying everyone and keep up the good work!


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Kim 13 years ago

Rebecca, Hats off to you for making such a commitment to studying in December! (I think it's the most challenging month of all to find time to study) When is your FAR exam date?

Rebecca 13 years ago

Thanks Kim! I was scheduled for 1/16 but i moved it today to 1/31. When I really looked at the calendar with the holidays falling on the weekends I felt like I was losing a lot of critical study time. I am hoping for the best!!

Jenn 13 years ago

Rebecca, My boss's were very nice during my interview in regards to me not having passed all parts yet. They just wanted to hear me say that I am still as motivated as I was when I started and what I have learned and what I am doing differently this time. Turn it into a learning experience, something that you can teach others that will follow in your footsteps. They love that!

nadia 13 years ago

I hope that your evaluation went well. Remember that this exam doesn't define us--I keep trying to remember that myself---it is indeed a part of us, but there is so much more !!!! Keep up the great work on FAR--you can absolutely do this! Merry Christmas (Yankee)