Taking CPA Exam Review on the Road

16 Dec 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By Megan

Megan is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

Let’s talk about the best way to fit in those precious study sessions when things get hectic at home AND at work. We’ve all been there. Frankly, some of us never LEAVE that lifestyle.

How do you find the time to sit for an uninterrupted hour to watch a lesson, followed by two or three hours of studying and MCQs??

On normal work days, my abbreviated itinerary looks something like this: Work, gym, dinner, Roger CPA Review! By the time I get to Roger, it’s normally about 8:00 pm. That leaves no time for fun, unless, of course, you enjoy Roger’s lessons as much as I do. Wow, this blog is making me realize how much of a nerd I am!

Let me tell you, I find it hard enough to give up my nights and weekends to studying. Now, what do you do when your boss tells you that you’re required to go on a four-day business trip out of the country? Mind you, two of those days are Saturday and Sunday. Do the math, there’s no time off in sight!

Usually, I would be concerned about the personal time I’m about to give up, but lately I’m more concerned about the STUDY time I may have to forfeit! I made a promise to myself that I would take my next exam by the end of February, and I’m my own worst critic.

Challenges spawn creativity.

So here I sit on my flight, thankful that I was able to fit my personal laptop AND my work laptop into my carry-ons, relieved that my laptop battery lasted through an entire lesson, and hopeful that my two in-flight neighbors have bladders healthy enough to make it through the rest of this journey without another juggling act to allow them passage to the restroom!

Studying was made possible this week through the help of Roger CPA Review’s USB course. One of the benefits of the USB course is that you do not need internet access. That means I can study on my flights as well as in the hotel room of any country. Now that’s convenient!

It’s no easy task becoming a CPA, but look at all the skills you pick up in the process: time management, efficiency, JUGGLING, managing distractions. The view from an airplane window is a one of a kind reminder to keep your focus on the big picture. Be patient during this long CPA flight…the destination is well worth the trip!

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nadia 13 years ago

Great idea, wish I had gotten the USB from Roger!!!! Best of luck and Happy Holidays.