Megan is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
It has been a very refreshing few weeks. Ive enjoyed the company of friends and managed to keep a clean house. I have taken naps when I was tired and actually watched some television.
This week poses more potential for fun, as I managed to work only one day this week and will be spending my 7 day break with my boyfriends family in Indiana. I did not bring any study materials with me intentionally.
As of press time, Im still awaiting AUD test results. NASBA sent me an email this past October revealing the new score release time line. I wont lie, Im eager to know how I did. The contents of that email will determine if I study more AUD or if I can jump right into a new section.
That being said, my goal this week is to plan. This time of year, it is difficult to choose studying over socializing. There are holiday parties, gatherings, and great discounts enticing me to buy gifts and goodies. That is why I must create my new schedule for studying success!
This is how I choose to look at the fall/winter season: there are no beach parties or summer flings to turn down. The sun sets hours earlier than it did a couple months back, allowing me to take advantage of the lack of activities.
I find comfort knowing that Ill be studying productively while others are curled up watching television and fighting off cabin fever. It seems easier to bundle up with Roger CPA Review when its snowing outside than when its sunny and 90 degrees!
Looking ahead, Ive decided that my goal is to complete all four exams by June of 2012. That means that I must schedule my next exam shortly in order to motivate me to study and stay on target. Ive decided my next exam will be REG. That leaves BEC as the final stretch.
Rogers study planner suggests about ten weeks of studying for REG, and I like to allow myself an extra week for final review. Im going to be realistic and allow myself time off over Christmas and New Years for social gatherings plus a move to a new apartment.
Ive learned from experience that taking all of this into consideration before scheduling the exam will prevent me from panicking or having to bump my exam date. Plan to succeed!