Mud Run, Halloween, and Finding Study Time

31 Oct 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Mark is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam.

Like most weekends for me, I didn’t do well studying. This week was due to the fact that I participated in the Dallas/Fort Worth Mud Run. This event took place on Saturday morning.

I’ll spare you the details, but the main points are that I almost drowned when crossing a river, I puked, it took me 2 hours to complete, it was 37 degrees outside, and I am extremely out-of-shape. The remainder of the day was spent sleeping like a baby in my bed because my body was so sore.

In previous posts, I’ve mentioned that my wife doesn’t know that I am studying because she wouldn’t support it if I told her….read prior posts to see why.

I think she may have a hint that I am studying. She hasn’t said anything, but I think that is because she realizes that it isn’t taking away from the family.

As we all know, if you aren’t sacrificing family time when studying for the exam, you’re probably not studying hard enough. So take that as a sign that I’m probably not studying as much as I should.

We’ll see how this week goes. Halloween is tonight, so I’ll be doing that with the kids. My 9 year old is dressing up as pro-wrestler Jeff Hardy and my 6 year old will be SpongeBob SquarePants. My studying is nada when at home, so I’m counting on a bunch of study breaks today at work.

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nadia 13 years ago

Mark, That Mud Run sounds insane!!! Hope your wife is doing well ...and that studying for REG is moving along. Best of luck!!