Mandy is a new Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since September 2011.
Hi again everybody. The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Thank goodness the 9/15 deadline has passed, and I can now begin to concentrate on my studies for REG. My test is in about six weeks, and I have yet to start studying (YIKES!).
My current study plan is to read through the NINJA study guides and make flash cards off of this. I have found that this is what works great for me. It makes me think about the material as I make my cards, as well as allows me to reprocess it each time I quiz myself.
Once I receive my new study materials, I will probably take a practice exam to see where my weaknesses are, and then start with those areas. I'm hoping that the exam will be easier this time around, as I am now working as a tax accountant and see a lot of the material on a daily basis. For those of you that don't remember, I passed this about 2 years ago and had it expire in April. We'll see if my “hopes” turn out to be true.
For everybody that is anxiously awaiting the arrival of their test scores, I'm right there with you. If you pass(ed), CONGRATS! If you weren't lucky this time around, just remember this–it is a test. It is a hard test, and not everyone passes each time. I should know. I've been at this awhile now.
Keep your head up and keep going. Eventually the results will be positive and you'll get to have those three magical letters behind your name. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!