Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since May 2009.
Last week was score release week for most of us. Score release can only be described as a manic depressive roller coaster ride. You get so excited once NASBA tweets that scores have been released. Then there is the inevitable frustration that comes from the constant use of the F5 button on the computer.
Finally after what feels like months your score pops up. If you get a passing score you are higher than you have ever been. If you dont see a score higher than the elusive 75 you are lower than you ever thought possible. This is just part of the process of becoming a CPA.
I have been on the receiving end of failing scores eleven times and on the receiving end of passing scores 3 times. Those three times more than made up for the prior eleven. The really hard part is when you pass and your friends dont. I know all too well what a 73 feels like and Im here to say it bites the big one! Your emotions are on overload, one minute you are on a cloud and the next minute you are face down in the dirt. So how do you deal with it? For me, I try to console my friends and myself, without sounding like a patronizing git, and secretly I jump up and down for joy.
In the April/May window I took REG and AUD. Going into AUD I felt confident. I used Wiley and I knew the material going in. Im an auditor at heart and I love auditing. I had printed the content specific outline and went through it line by line. I was tired of walking into that test and seeing something that wasnt in the review material. I also knew the standard audit report like the back of my hand even if I did have to hum the theme to Gilligans Island in the middle of the exam. When I saw an 83 I jumped for joy and scared my boss half to death. He thought I had hurt myself somehow. I was definitely on a high that morning.
I knew going into REG that I wasnt ready. I used the Wiley book and the Wiley Online Test Bank. I should have known that I wasnt going to pass because I do not have a strong background in taxes and there is so much information that is new to me. I started to cry in the middle of testlet 2 and by the simulations I was crying so hard I had to run out of the room to throw up. I was a mess to say the least. When I got my score and saw a 61 I was astonished. How did I pull a 61 out of that train wreck?
This time Im using Roger CPA Review and I feel a lot better about my chances of passing. Im almost half way through the lectures and there is so much stuff that is starting to make sense to me. I have to pass REG before August 6th or I lose FAR. The idea of that makes me physically ill.
Im starting to feel more confident with REG because I am learning the material. Ive looked at the content specific outline and compared it to Roger and I cant find anything that isnt covered. I will say that I am impressed with how thorough they have designed the review. I also love the fact that when the exam was updated they took care of it. Everything was updated for me and I didnt have to do anything other than keep going. That was a relief.
The July/August window starts in just a few days and we get to start the roller coaster all over again. My heart breaks for those who lost scores and Im overjoyed for those who are done. I just keep telling myself that there are new CPAs at the end of every testing window and hopefully this is my last exam and I can get off of this roller coaster or, as I have called it in the past, this train ride through hell. But I wont give up. Ill never quit until I have CPA after my name. When I find a locked door Ill break it down or start looking for a window but I wont give up and I wont give in!
Each word of this blog is true...Wishing you the best for Regulation and Congratulations for passing AUDIT...which i failed 3 times :(
Wow we know that feeling all too well when checking scores! AWESOME JOB NAILING DOWN AUDIT!!!!