Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since May 2009.
Well I started the year out with the best of intentions that have all gone wrong. I was going to focus on my work and studying so as not to fall behind in either. I was going to keep my house clean and my boys taken care of properly. I was going to stay healthy and not let a cold or whatever, get me down.
I have been working 12 to 14 hour days since the first of January and Im just physically run down. For the past two weeks I have been fighting a cold and last Friday all of my good intentions went to the dogs.
The fever kicked in and went up rapidly. I havent picked up a book to study, worked a problem or listened to one lecture in weeks. I havent had the time or energy. I am officially immune to the effects of Nyquil.
This is the worst time of year to be studying for an exam and definitely the worst time to be sick but both is just a nightmare. Everyone talks about how tough it is on accountants and CPAs in April, but in April we have that little gift called an EXTENSION. There are no extensions for W-2s, and some clients just dont realize that.
Anyone who does payroll knows what Im talking about and understands why Im exhausted. Im just glad I dont have to say Your employer has until the 31st of January to put your W-2 in your hands for at least eleven months. It feels like Ive said it about a million times in the past three weeks.
I still havent scheduled my FAR retake. In order take advantage of every possible opportunity to test, I have to take it before the end of February. I have no idea when to expect my REG score. I took it the 9th of January, and I dont have high hopes. I dont think Im going to look online for my score. Ill just wait until it comes in the mail. Ive said that several times before but Im hoping I can keep my promise to myself in order to focus on FAR.
I have until April 3rd to pass FAR and REG or I am going to lose BEC. So the goal for the week is to focus on getting over this cold/bronchitis/flu or whatever this is, and then pour myself into FAR. Wish me luck!
hope you get to feeling better! Totally feel you on the payroll returns and w-2's and 1099's. i had planned to try and study for audit this month too. about a week into january i knew that wasnt happening. Good luck and get some rest. Its always a good idea to take a step back from the test every now and then and really let yourself recover before the next part.
Get well soon!