Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since May 2009.
I guess the only thing that I can honestly say this week is that I am in total shock. It took a while, and a wonderful boss, to help me realize why after everything I did to pass REG that I did not gain one single point.
I went into this test thinking I only needed 5 points. I had a 70 before and I got a 70 again. I went through every stage of grief known to man: denial, anger, frustration, making deals with God, everything.
But it is what it is and the only thing for me to do is to move on. Dwelling on the lost time from my family, the three days in the Roach motel and everything else that I did wont raise that score. It is what it is.
My wonderful boss was completely at a loss because he helped me study so much this time around. We sat down Friday, and he had me work problems on the Wiley software made up questions from the book. I got them all right. We came to the conclusion that I was simply memorizing the answers, even though I knew why an answer was right, I had still memorized them.
So we went on a hunt for books, materials and questions that I had never seen, and we found a few on Amazon.com but they were for the Kindle only. I left the office Friday morning and headed to Wal-mart and bought a Kindle Fire.
I did get to see the police arrest 10 employees for theft while I was there. All I could think when I saw what was happening was Since when is Christmas about an X-Box? My son gets 3 gifts each Christmas because weve always believed that if 3 were good enough for Jesus, then it is good enough for Curtis.
I got my Kindle and left after having my bags thoroughly and willingly searched. I bought the books at Amazon and downloaded them to the Kindle. I will admit that I like the size of the books much better on the kindle because they dont weigh a ton. I also have an app that keeps up with my study time, so that should help.
I was planning on taking off the month of December but that plan has been thrown out. Im in full force REG mode until January, and then Im moving forward to get FAR done.
On a personal note, I have two sisters and no brothers, so my dad was well aware of how hard it was going to be for any of us to make it in the business world. When things didnt go our way, he always said, If you find a locked door then just keep walking until you find a window. Eventually it will happen for you. He always told me that I wasnt one of those people who would ever have anything handed to them. Id have to work at it and work hard.
I was born too early and had to fight to survive. I married a moron the first time around and had to fight to get out of it, and now I have a wonderful husband. I miscarried 4 times and lost a son to SIDS, and I had to fight to keep my Curtis and be a mom. Nothing has ever been easy and this test is no different. But like life, marriage, and motherhood, I didnt give up until I got what I deserved, and I dont intend to give up now.
I WILL be a CPA. I just have to fight for it.
Kricket your posts are always so motivating!! I love that you tell it like it is. It is refreshing. Thank you. I will be praying for you and look forward to watching you become a CPA in 2012 (me too!!!). :)
I love what you had to say Kricket. You are truly an inspiration to me. You have the right attitude and spirit. Never give up, never.
I am right there with you!! WE WILL BE CPAs in 2012!!!
Kricket, I'll be with you every step of the way, like I've always expressed to you-- you are my inspiration! Love ya.
You are a fighter as so am I. We will be CPAs in 2012!! Let's go get it!!!
Hi Kicket: Sometimes it does seem as if all the hard work put it is futile, doesn't it? . But I know you will get this CPA thing done in 2012. I belive it was Thomas Paine (the last name is such a metaphor for the CPA exam)that said, "The harder fought the battle, the sweeter the victory". Here's to the both of us contracting diabetes (metaphorically, off course). Bridget
Kricket, Your life stories are a great example of the great person that you are... a born fighter. Your perseverance is a testimony to all of us. Thank you for blogging and go get 'em in 2012!
you are a true inspiration, keep on chugging along, your hard work will pay off!!
2012 CPAs right here Kricket!! You really are an inspiration and I admire you!
Kricket, Your comment,.." nothing is ever easy".... really resonated with me. I have to tell you that I had the same thought last window when I didn't pass REG. It started me thinking of what success is, and how many ways it can be attained. Seems like success is much like a napoleon (you know those naughty creamy, custardy French layered dessert? Each layer is completely different than the next one. What is important is the next step: how you get to each layer. I found that, for me, I am not one of those people who rush in the door with a big smile on my face, makeup perfect, hair combed, etc. and say, "I did it!" I am one of those people who claw, climb uphill, and run a few more miles to get to my destination. Always have been that way. I kinda picture me finishing the CPA race with my shoes untied, hair a mess, and scabs on my knees. Just like the Chicago White Sox: Winning Ugly. It certainly won't be a pretty ride, I just might fall from grace a time or two, BUT I will arrive. Here's to finding the windows!!!! Thanks for sharing. CPA's in 2012!!!! (Yankee)
Oh, Kricket, I was so heartbroken when I saw this blog. I feel like I know you since we have been on Another 71 together since it began. If anyone deserves to pass this exam, it is you. You were always my hero when you said you would never even consider giving up. No doubt you will pass and it will mean so much more to you than JOE CPA who passed each section the first time. People like you keep the spirit of this website going and help other strugglers realize they are not alone.