Kim is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Hello to you all and hope that your wintertime CPA studies are going well!
I attended the FAR intensive review course in Houston this weekend, and it was excellent. Of course, it was fast-paced and every minute of the 18 hours of class time was utilized to maximize our learning.
One of the best parts of attending these courses is the people that you meet. The only other female in the class and I became fast friends.
She commented before the course began that she was considering moving her test date up from the middle of February to one day this week since this course would be fresh on her mind.
After the first day was over, we both were reminded again about just how much material there is in FAR and to be honest we were overwhelmed. Before class started on Sunday morning, she said that she definitely would not be moving her test date up and actually might move it back.
I sat next to a very bright new college graduate who had travelled from Nevada to attend the course. His father had been a student of the course instructor 30 years ago at the university where he teaches. It was great to be in close proximity to young energy and I think hes going to do very well on the exams.
During the long weekend, I was really reminded of the sacrifices that our families make while we are on our CPA journeys. My female classmate shared how hard it was to tell her three year old daughter that she couldnt play with her because she had to study.
Our class ended at 6:00 p.m. each day and at around 5:45 on the first day, there were at least five of us in the class whose phones started vibrating. Our families had waited long enough and needed to talk to us.
On the morning of the second day, I got a text from my husband that my father-in-law had taken a fall. While my husband is perfectly capable of taking care of situations like this, it was still challenging to put it out of my mind but I knew I had to.
Well before I had arrived at the Houston airport on Sunday evening, my daughter and mother were letting me know that the weather was bad in Tennessee. Fortunately, the flight itself was smooth. It was funny because I had envisioned sleeping for the whole flight, but was blessed with the most talkative seat buddy Ive ever had on an airplane flight!
Driving conditions were a little different though. At one point during the two hour drive home, it was raining and hailing so hard that I had to search for a place to pull over. Just another small reminder of the challenges we all face in this CPA journey.
Finally, as I climbed into my bed at 1:00 that morning, I reminded myself that it will all be worth it. It will for me, and it will for all of you too! And isnt it fun to think about what well do with our time when we are free again?
The hobby that I think I miss the most is cooking. Ive decided that when I finally get my last passing grade, that Im going to take a couple of days off work and stay home and do nothing but cook! Im going to cook appetizers, entrées, lots of desserts, and whatever else my heart desires. And Im going to keep a glass of wine nearby to enjoy while Im doing it. I absolutely cant wait!
Hi Kim: What review class did you take in Houston?
Hi Lisa. The company is called Accounting Institute Seminars (AIS). They've been doing them a long time and do a very good job. Their website is www.AIS-CPA.com
I'm interested in studying for my CPA exma,but i dont the best program that help me prepare.I read your blog and was wondering if you can help me with more information of how i can approach the studying ,the materials and all the information i need to be successful.I would prefer a face to face review sessions anywhere in houston.I already have the accounting hours and i'm planning to send my letter of intent soon to the CPA board. Thanks. Albert