Kim is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.
Hello to all of you.
Im sure most of you would agree December is quite a challenging month to find time to study. There are far more distractions that come along in the final month of the year and the juggling act between all of the Holiday activities and finding time to study becomes quite challenging.
Ive have this little nagging voice this month that is constantly whispering in my ear telling me that Im not studying as much as I did the prior eleven months of 2011. Im ready to get that little voice out of my ear!
On a bright side, I keep telling myself that when I pass the CPA exam, perhaps I will one day have the luxury of only working during tax season and so that would mean being off the whole month of December and not having to balance some many different tasks.
For me, waiting until January 1st to plunge into studying for FAR has been out of the question though. With everything Ive heard about FAR, I feel like I need every minute of preparation that I can get. With that said, Ive scheduled my test date for February 29th. The Leap Year gives us an extra study day in 2012!
The testing center where Ive taken the other sections of the exam does not have any FAR test slots available for that date, so Ill be traveling to a new site. (Sure will miss seeing the workers Ive gotten to know at the old Prometric site!)
For my 5:00 a.m. study sessions, Ive been re-reading my notes from the FAR videos that I had watched back in September while waiting on a REG score. Im anxious to finish these and then pick up where l left off on the videos. And Im going to do as many Multiple Choice questions as is humanly possible in between now and the test date.
I also used my Christmas bonus to pay for a FAR review course in Houston in January. When my CPA journey is complete, Ill add up the grand total of the money Ive spent. It is definitely a very expensive endeavor but hopefully very worth it in the long run.
In between all of the holiday memories, great food, and hustle and bustle, lets hold each other accountable to keep our CPA aspirations in clear view!