Support is Key for the CPA Exam

08 Aug 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By jomarie

JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since October 2010.

Going through this whole process of sitting for the exams has really taught me who my real supporters are.

Both of my bosses have really pushed for me to succeed with this exam. One of them quizzes me out of the blue while we are working on an account together, while the other one grounds me for going to the casino since he saw my Facebook status of having a great time with my dad at the casino.

My co-workers have always been there for me throughout this roller coaster ride of emotion. From covering my job duties when I need the time off to study to asking me how the exams and studying is going to crying with me when I missed passing Regulation by 2 points.

My closest friends give me my space to study and don’t call to see if I can do something since they know my answer will be, “Sorry spending the night with Roger CPA Review, Jeff’s NINJA notes, Becker CPA Review, and Wiley CPA Test Bank

They know I will call them when I need them for support and when I am done with my exams. My husband and I have actually lost a few friends during this process because they think I’m wasting my time and money on this journey.

Our family has been giving my husband and me the best support anyone could ask for. My mother-in-law sometimes comes over to help my husband with some housework, since I don’t remember the last time I mopped or vacuumed. With two kids running around the house, especially a toddler, it’s almost impossible to keep up.

Like I said earlier, my dad called me up one Saturday and said “You need to take a night off of studying and come with me to the casino.” He had tickets to see “The Best of Saturday Night Live.” I don’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. I had tears coming down my face.

Lastly, my best supporters would have to be my husband and two daughters. My husband has pretty much turned into Mr. Mom since he was laid off in July, while still actively looking for work. My older daughter now likes to come to the library with me while I study and she looks for books to read. She even joined the summer reading program they have at our public library.

The main thing I’ve learned throughout this journey is that without supporters you will never get anywhere. So when someone asks you if they can help you in any way, don’t say no. They want to help you succeed.

Well it’s time for me to do some more questions and get myself prepared for my rematch with Regulation. REG, you better watch out, JoMarie is coming back to get my credit back!!

Till Next Time!!


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Shawn 14 years ago

Great post and very true! Definitely need to thank my supporters more often.

Allyson 14 years ago

Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you.