JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since October 2010.
What can I say about whats been going on since the last time I blogged. Its been an insane week and not much studying accomplished. That pretty much sums it up.
First it started with a phone call from the daycare saying that Brooklynn (my 20 month old) was running a bit of a fever. Well once I received that phone call my studying plans went down the drain. It turned out she had strep, and to top it off she was also getting two of her eye teeth.
So between the pain and tears, I was not getting much, if any, sleep. Once the antibiotics kicked in, Brooklynn was feeling better, but Mommy was feeling run down.
Feeling tired and run down is not a good combination while tax season is starting to come around. I couldnt beat this feeling that something wasnt right. I wasnt feeling right. Congestion, sneezing, coughing, and an ear ache!!!! Oh great, now its my turn. Off to the doctor I went and found out I have an ear infection.
With FAR coming up fast on January 17th, I knew I had to reschedule the exam. There was no way with the lack of sleep and lack of studying I was going to pass that exam. So I paid the $35 rescheduling fee and rescheduled the exam for February 6th.
This gives me an extra three weeks to visit Wileys test bank, rewrite Jeffs NINJA Study Notes, and visit Roger CPA Review lectures on any parts I need clarification on.
Right now Im just waiting for the antibiotics to fully kick in so I can get over this tiredness Im feeling, and then Im putting Jeffs ELL plan into full force while the office work picks up.
This is going to be interesting studying during tax season. I usually take the next few months off of studying and fully focus on work. This year I cant. I have a promotion waiting for me, and I cant pass it up.
Good luck to those of you sitting for exams soon and try to stay healthy, like I am.
Till next time!!
I know it's tough studying with little one's that are sick, but it can be done. Keep your focus and you'll knock your exam out. Good luck!
JoMarie, I admire you so much for juggling your studying around raising your young family. What stamina you have! I think you made a wise decision about re-schedule. Good luck with your studies:)
Something I have found very ufseul is flow based note-taking. Has any one ever heard of that?