JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since October 2010.
Here I am sitting on the Friday morning before my exam on Monday, and Im scared. I dont feel as prepared as I should be, and if I dont pass I lose my last and final credit I worked so hard to get.
Ive done one practice exam and scored in the high fifties (YIKES!!!). I wish I had more time to prepare for FAR, but the AICPA gods had other plans for me.
Ive rewritten all of Jeffs NINJA notes, listened to all the audio tapes, and started to make flash cards from that practice test I took.
For the rest of the weekend, Im planning on working tons and tons of MCQs and writing notes on the ones I get wrong. Hopefully, the AICPA gods will work in my favor on Monday afternoon.
Well the end of the testing window is upon us. Good luck to all. To those people facing Irene, good luck to you!!
Till Next Time!!
You are ready!!! Go kill FAR. Kick him in the nuts one more time for me.
You CAN do it, thinking of you!