Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010.
Week 43
Hello all. I feel like Im at my breaking point. I am starting to feel like Im going to fail REG miserably. Fifteen days until the exam and my nerves have started getting the better of me. My wife knows how hard Ive been working and makes me realize that its my mind playing games on me.
I always go through this feeling of utter unpreparedness before an exam, so these last two weeks will be spent building my confidence by practicing MCQs ad nauseum.
This week I logged 32 hours, so I have been plowing through this stuff. I finished up Beckers Chapter 7 this week and used all day Saturday to review all the non-tax chapters. I drilled MCQs on Contracts, Sales, Commercial Paper, Bankruptcy, Suretyship, Antitrust Laws and Securities Regs.
I was able to score slightly better on the MCQs than I did on my first go around, so generally in the high 70s, low 80s. Not as great as Id like, but I will continue to work the Wiley MCQs for these sections during the coming week. I am hoping this will prepare me better than Becker alone and hopefully Ill see some additional things that Becker may have glazed over or skipped. Also, I think this will help keep the topics fresh in my head, but I wont be focusing on these topics alone.
The tax chapters will be primary focus during these last 2 weeks. I actually reviewed and hit partnership tax on Sunday and it went really well. I started with Partnership tax first, because I was most comfortable with it. When I wrapped that section up, I went onto Corporate Tax, because I expect that to be one of the meatiest sections.
Im still working through it and havent done too many MCQs, but will focus on Corporate Tax for another 8-12 hours in the coming week, and then move to Individual tax and then lastly Estate, Trust and Gift tax. I may actually only make it through Individual by next weeks update, but if Im solid on Corporate, Partnership and Individual tax by the end of next week, Ill be very happy.
I plan to keep the hours at about 30ish in the coming week, as well. Pressure is on Time to embrace this challenge and own it. I read Allysons update today during a study break and realized theres so many of us going through this routine in our own personal way. Good Look Allyson!! And everyone else testing this week.
Jay. O