Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010.
Week 41
Hello all. Im happy to report that I have logged 26 hours on REG this week. I realized that I only have a month left and need to really put the pedal to the metal. Ive been able to achieve this goal by spending an hour before work each morning studying, as well as some time during lunch. I have finished Becker Chapter 4 and started on Chapter 5. Im probably about halfway through at this point.
Just as I am revving up for the last stretch, my wife is starting to crack a bit. She has literally been a single parent for the past 16 months, and its starting to wear her down. I think the girls are starting to drive her crazy.
Like all kids, the girls can be defiant, and everything is a fight. Eating dinner brushing teeth going to bed wearing a hair clip or pony tail whether they get an episode of Dora or Diego before bed. They are just being kids, but the fact that she rarely gets away from it or rarely has me around to take some of the parenting load is starting to wear her down.
I came home from studying on Sunday with a Dunkin Donuts coffee and a Rainbow Italian Ice, two things she really likes. And I gave her the rest of the evening off. I took the girls for a dip in the pool, fed them dinner, bathed them both and put them to bed, so my wife got a short little break to relax. I hope this holds her over for the next month, and then DAD takes over.
I will gladly be Mr. MOM and DAD after this exam, because my wife has been the best support I could possibly ask for during this crazy exam. I have to think of something really great I can do for her when this exam is done. Suggestions welcome, ladies. She already has a Spa Day gift certificate, which she is planning on using right after Labor Day.
I am finding the business law parts of REG to be easier than the first chapters on Taxation. I guess Im pretty familiar with the general organizational structures, so that went pretty quickly for me. And Contracts and Sales seem to be pretty straight forward for me as well.
Im annoyed at myself for spending all that time this week reading through Ethics & Professional Responsibilities and Federal Tax Procedures & Legislative Process because most of the stuff was ancillary and when I really thought about it .how many multiple choice questions could I really get on those two areas? And worst case scenario, you use the process of elimination.
Poor planning on my part, because there were 40+ pages of ancillary materials that I read through. Anyway, I plan to finish Chapter 5 this week and start on Chapter 6, which also seems to be more qualitative than quantitative, so hope it will flow quickly.
Im hoping to be able to wrap up all the chapters and leave the last 2-3 weeks for reviewing and practicing the multiple choice, etc. I have 4 weeks remaining, so if I keep up the 25 hour study weeks, I think I should be able to get through the material as planned. Have a good week.
Jay. O
Diamonds are always appreciated but since you have been studying for the CPA exam, I think it is a safe assumption to say that most of your savings and all of your disposable income is now in testing fees and review materials. Buy her some flowers and take her out on a date.
I'd say take a vacation without the kids! That's the only thing I want to do when I finally pass this beast. And that's what is getting me through this 4th attempt at FAR. 4 more weeks!