REG Exam & AUD Study Plan

17 Aug 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Erica is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of's Club 75 since March 2011.

Last week I was fretting over getting all my REG cramming completed. I was unable to complete my cram sessions due to making two trips back to Vanderbilt for my son. I spent all day Thursday and Friday driving to and from Vanderbilt for a procedure my child needed. I had to keep him away from people for a few days, therefore was coped up with him all day Saturday. I did get some reviewing done, but not near enough.

I took the REG part of the exam on Sunday. I prayed for an exam that would test what I know and will have to say “thank you sweet Jesus” because that is what I got. The MCQs were not as bad as I had anticipated and none caught me by surprise. I remember studying everything I was presented with on the exam.

Now, whether or not I misread the question and actually remembered the entire concept is another story, but I had a general understanding. I tried to determine if the 2nd & 3rd testlets were more difficult than the 1st and wondered if I royally screwed up on the 1st testlet even though I thought I was able to narrow the questions I was unsure of down to 2 answers. I couldn’t tell if the 2nd & 3rd testlets were more difficult.

The TBS problems were challenging as well, but I think I did OK on them. There was 1 TBS problem that I was not prepared for at all, but was able to work through it hoping to get some credit. I can always chalk it up to the “test” problem, huh? I am not sure I did well enough to pass, but left there knowing with the proper preparation it is a passable exam.

I find it difficult to stick with my study plan. Life, it happens to us all. I am hoping now that school has started back for both of my children and my afterschool helper will be available again starting next week, even though it is football season and my husband is the offensive coordinator for high school and middle school football, I will be able to be more consistent with sticking to my study plan. It is what I call single mom season at my house.

Anyway, this week I am starting to study for AUD using Roger CPA Review. I plan to get through all the videos this week. I have been listening to audio CDs during the day at work as well. I have written out yet another study schedule and hoping to stick with it! “If I study, I will PASS!”

Best of luck to you all!

Until next time!

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Bradley 14 years ago

You should take a look at the study plan Roger has on his website. He has a 3, 6 and 9 month plan to finish all four parts.