Erica is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since July 2011.
Hello All,
The past week and a half of studying has gone by fast, and it feels like Im not putting in enough time. However, when I calculated all the time I put in last week it was 24+ hours. I have been lucky the past week that it has been slow at work. I am also very lucky to have a boss that allows me to study as long as all my other work is complete.
I finished the Roger CPA Review videos and started copying Jeffs NINJA notes. I am now reviewing Rogers book and going through the homework book and the CD-ROM with all the multiple choice questions. I think this is where I am going to learn the most. Going through the multiple choice questions has shown me what I really know and what material I am only familiar with.
If studying for the CPA exam wasnt stressful enough, my husband and I seem to love to take things to the next level. He is also currently studying for a similar type of exam in his field. He is in IT Networking and is studying for his CISCO CCNA designation.
As it has been explained to me, this is the golden ticket into the networking world. It tells people that you know what youre doing. He is planning on taking his test on Friday, August 5, so if you happen to see this before then, please say a pray or wish him luck.
Needless to say, its been more than a little stressful around our house and like everyone else, money is tight. So, I was really excited to find out that I could fit the cost of the BEC exam into our budget this month.
Payment has been made and I am just waiting for my proof of payment coupon so that I can schedule my test. I am looking at the last weekend in August. I know this is the weekend that usually fills up fast, and I am lucky to have a few testing centers almost equidistance from my house so I have already come up with a few different scenarios just in case.
Paying for the test and looking at dates has made the test real for me. You can study for years and never get anywhere. The test becomes a, Ill do that some day. For me, once the money is paid, the pressure is on to get my moneys worth out of the test which will only happen if I pass.
I have severe test anxiety, so I am trying to go through as many multiple choice questions as possible so that it becomes second nature to me. Roger has said that confidence is half the battle of this test. I keep telling myself Im putting in the time, I will pass.
Good Luck to everyone!