David is a new weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since April 2011.
Greetings to all my fellow Another71.com members. My name is David and I am currently striving to attain another coveted achievement, the elusive CPA license. I am 26 years old and have been married to my beloved wife and childhood sweetheart for 5 years.
I graduated from the college with my bachelors in accounting, and then my MBA, then I slowly gathered up those extra graduate level accounting courses needed to sit for the CPA.
As many of you would probably agree, I think this CPA thing is probably the most difficult task Ive ever attempted. I thought the pain would be minimal after the bachelors and masters degrees. But more than a year after my first attempt, here I am, still studying. Still going to the library for a couple hours on my way home from work.
Still spending my Friday nights in front of my computer instead of at the movies. Still dreading calls from friends and family because of the numerous times Ive avoided plans with them.
May 2010 was my first big attempt at REG, and this August looks like it will be my second. In between I have passed FAR, and last Saturday was my first attempt at AUD (I cant pretend Im not a little afraid of REG). I know its only been a year in progress, and only three months since passing my first one, but I REALLY dont want to face the expiration of a passing score in facing the rolling 18-month deadline.
I do have to give props to Roger Phillip and his team at Roger CPA and Jeff and Another 71! Im not for product placement advertisement, but both review programs have been a Godsend. Rogers Lectures are entertaining (as entertaining as accounting lectures can be), and the NINJA study guides are completely comprehensive. I love all the blogs and comments on Another71.com. No matter who you are, you can find someone to relate to in their experience. Good luck to you all, and enjoy your summer of studying like I will be.
I have to say that I have enjoyed this past week. I havent been studying!! I thought I needed a break, and I was right. Although as soon as my study material arrives in the mail it will all begin again.
This is the most difficult part of the year for me to study. I totally belong in the outdoors, and its difficult to be locked up inside when the sun is still shining when I get off work. And the upcoming Memorial Day weekend will definitely be a distraction because the beach will be calling my name for three (I wish it were more) wonderfully sunny days!
Until then, back to the grind!
You'll love Roger, he's awesome!