Earthquakes, Thieves, & REG Exam Day

26 Aug 2011

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

Allyson is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam.

Tuesday was a very bad day.

It started off well enough. I was as prepared as I could be for my REG exam: studied hard, slept well, ready for just about anything they could throw at me.

The multiple choice questions seemed fair. There were some guesses but I mostly felt confident with them. The testlets did not seem to get more difficult. There were some questions with twists and tricks and one or two that I did not come up with any of their choices, par for the course.

And then the TBS. WHOA! If I failed REG, it is because of those. I left an hour and a half to do them, and I can honestly say I spent a good thirty minutes staring blankly at my monitor wondering what in the world they were asking.

I left upset and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to cry. Fortunately, I had a pedicure appointment to try and relax. What a great treat to have pretty pink toes, until afterwards when I smeared my big toe polish off getting into my car.

The earthquake hit around this time. Not sure if I felt it or not since I was still reeling from the nasty fight with REG earlier.

For my mother’s birthday, I sent her to our beach trailer for the week. She and my aunts were having a lovely time shopping until someone stole my mom’s wallet and began a charging spree up and down Myrtle Beach. They are now the senior citizen’s version of “Charlie’s Angels” and think they can find the thieves.

These gals mean business. Quick story: my Aunt JoJo once ran into her husband’s mistress at the grocery store and when the woman turned her back, JoJo squirted pancake syrup in her purse.

I’ll join them later this weekend with my friend, Hurricane Irene.

Come on Mother Nature??

As I was reading the book, “Eels,” with my son Tuesday night, our 4-month-old pug came over and hiked his leg on me.

That’s how I ended my exam day.

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JoMarie 14 years ago

What out for those Charlie's Angels!!! Especially Aunt JoJo!! (Good name BTW)

Name (required) 14 years ago

I took REG yesterday day too. Feel the same way about the multiple choice. There were 4 SIMS that were great. The other 2, mere disasters. I too read over and over to try to get what they were trying to ask. Gave it my best. Now the waiting of luck!!

Jeff - 14 years ago

The pug line was classic!

nhan 14 years ago

Do you know which section we should focus on for the sim?

Allyson 14 years ago

@nhan, The sims were all over the place. Two of mine were really FAR related so just be prepared for anything. Good luck.

Kim 14 years ago

Allyson, I can totally relate to your comment about 'trying to figure out what they were even asking in the TBS'. And then the challenge of how to prepare for them since some of them are going to look like Greek?? Thanks for posting:)

Colleen 14 years ago

I took REG at the beginning of the testing window on July 12 and I feel the exact same way about the simulations. I just sat there, stared at the screen in amazement and had no idea what to do. I was honestly hoping that there had been a mistake. Multiple people feel the same way, so you are not alone! Ps- my 4 YEAR old pug still likes to hike his leg up on anything he comes into contact with! They're too cute to be mad at though!!

Colleen 13 years ago

REG was hard on everyone it seesm. They can't fail all of us. Let's hope we are on the passing side of 45%. My pug is so funny when I yell at him. He runs around like a little piglet when I get mad at him.