Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Throughout the CPA exam, I have learned a great deal and developed a lot of good habits.
I’ve tested my mettle and I have experienced the extreme highs of passing and the lows of repeated failure.
If there is one lesson I could impart to all NINJAs, current and future, it is this: don’t throw your NTS away after your test.
If you do that, don’t also delete the email that contains the code. I learned this lesson the hard way.
During the morning after the score release, I had a near panic attack scrambling to find the code (I didn’t), begging the NASBA and Arizona Board of Accountancy to give me my score (they wouldn’t), before finally finding the code on the Prometric site cached data.
After all of the craziness of the morning, I punched my code in the site and boom, staring me in the face, was my second passing score!
I credit a lot of help from my fiancée doing flashcards, and a heck of a lot of luck seeing questions that I was ready for that day. No matter what the case is, I will take it!
It was a tough road to get through 2 fails of Audit before seeing another passing score. I was worried that if I failed this exam, I would have to scrap all of my study methods and start from scratch, while looking 3 exams in the face. I am very thankful to know that my studying is effective and that I can stick with it for the last 2 tests.
The end of the road is coming, I can begin to see it on the horizon. It’s full steam ahead to getting REG done on try 1 in April, then hit the final boss battle with Audit in May.
The dream is one step closer to achieved. The thought of having my life back in 3 months is all I need to hear to get me back in front of the computer to do MCQs. Let’s get back at it and close this out in Q2!
When I got out of AUD, I forgot to ask for my NTS back. And that was when it had my next part too. Wasted a sheet of paper. If the person at Prometric doesn't ask, there's no way I would remember to get it back. Just wondering if that's what happened to you.