He has been a member of Another71.com's Club 75 since August 2010.
Week 13:
The day is drawing near, just over 3 weeks left until I have to take BEC. My NTS is expiring and I cant delay it any longer. Im definitely not where Id like to be at this point. I was sick during the last week and could barely concentrate for more than 5 minutes at a time, much less memorize CPA Exam formulas. Im feeling better now and I really need to get my butt in gear if Im going to pass this thing.
Im doing pretty well with my new strategy of carefully doing each chapter at a time. I move on once Im scoring 70% on the questions. Then go back every few days and do an entire cumulative review of all the chapters Ive completed so far. Im taking notes, making a running list of the formulas I need to know, I even splurged and got the Wiley Focus Notes for BEC App for my phone just to cover all bases and be able to study even for just a few minutes at a time.
All of this would be good, except Im only halfway through the Yaeger CPA Review BEC material and its been over a month. Not passing this section would be a major blow not only to my confidence, but I dont want to have to explain another failed section to my family.
I feel it would make all the difference if I could just get 1 under my belt. Im going to have to really buckle down to focus these next 3+ weeks. Fortunately, I dont work in tax so I dont really have a Busy season.
My work is pretty consistent so there wont be any surprises coming up. Maybe Ill be able to take advantage of this ridiculous amount of snowfall weve had and apparently will continue to have in the northeast by calling in snowed in and make it a study day. I feel there is still some good opportunity for me to get back on track, I just need to be able to seize it.