Starting to Study Again: BEC in 8 Weeks

10 Dec 2010

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By J.W.

J.W. is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam.

He has been a member of's Club 75 since August 2010.

Week 10:

It has been slow going getting back into gear and studying after a couple week study layoff. I’ve been studying for BEC for a couple weeks now. Primarily, I’ve focused on the reading the first 2 chapters of the 2011 Wiley book I bought. After finishing reading and doing the MCQ’s in the book I plan on watching the IT DVD segment.

The first chapter is the new material that replaced business structures, “Corporate Governance, Internal Control and Enterprise Management” which will constitute 16 – 20% of the test. There isn’t too much to this new material, about 12 pages and only about 25 MCQ’s in the book, so it’s not too much to grasp, and a lot of it is basic fundamentals so those fresh out of college should be familiar already with some of the concepts.

IT, while I know gives some headaches, I actually have a bit of a background in this area, so while it’s still tedious, it’s not too bad for me. Honestly though, anything is better than FAR so maybe I’m just happy to have less intense stuff to study. I hope to finish up these first 2 chapters in the next week and then move onto the next.

For those of you who haven’t cracked open your BEC material yet allow me to give you a bit of a rundown. According to the Wiley book, Business Structures has been straight up replaced by “Corporate Governance, Internal Control and Enterprise Management” while the rest of the sections remain the same compared the 2010 Wiley book. While there may be more minor changes within the sections themselves, the one major material difference is the switch out of Business Structures to Corporate Governance. Otherwise nothing earth shaking as the percentage of questions of each section remain relatively similar to 2010.

The book also gives some examples of the new written communication you can expect to encounter. Upon first glance, it doesn’t seem too bad and as long as you study you’ll probably do fine. If you were good at the written section before, this should be no different. I can’t speak for candidates who use other materials, but going back and using Yaeger CPA Review for FAR definitely helped prepare me for the written communication.

I felt as though I had a better grasp of the principles and concepts after watching Yaeger than I may have with other materials since it was more teaching, than reviewing. I don’t anticipate the style to be any different in the BEC video’s, so I think if you’re using Yaeger you’ll know enough about a particular topic to write about it.

Well hopefully by my next post I will be in full gear and will have received my passing FAR grade.

8 Weeks until BEC.


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Jenelle 13 years ago

An answer from an expert! Thanks for contirbuntig.