Recouping Lost CPA Exam Study Time

22 Oct 2010

Club 75 Candidate Bloggers

By Jay-O

Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010.

Week 6:

Hello all. Not a very good week in terms of hours studied. I started off well with 5.5 and 6 hours on Saturday & Sunday. That included taking the girls pumpkin picking in-between study sessions on Sunday. It was not a very impressive pumpkin patch, however they are still young, so we made the best of it and had a great afternoon.

I also logged 3 hours each on Monday and Tuesday, which was good, but I got stuck working late on Wednesday and had a final round recruiting event on Thursday evening. This week definitely didn’t go as planned, but you have to roll with the punches and make it up elsewhere.

This coming weekend isn’t looking any better. My niece is being confirmed Saturday, so I expect the day will pretty much get burned. If traffic isn’t too bad, maybe I can get a couple of hours logged Saturday evening (crossing my fingers). I’m hoping Sunday will be better though, I plan on going to hit the library at 9am and will try to make up Saturday’s lost time.

If I get ten hours logged this weekend, I will be happy. I am however close to finishing chapter 5, so I do have 3 full weeks to refresh my memory on chapters 1-3 and do practice questions, so hoping that will be sufficient.

I have me started carrying my Becker flash cards with me and pull them out on my short train ride in the morning, walking from the train to the office and waiting on line at Starbucks. I’m also going to start taking 30-45 minutes during lunch next week to drill the flashcards and notes.

Unlike FAR, I think Audit is all about repetition and memorization, so I’m trying to be flexible and drill the flashcards as much as possible. Wish me luck this week…I’ll need it.


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Jenn 14 years ago

I found with audit that writing out each of the opinion letters really helped me. It helps with the memorization.

Jeff - 14 years ago

Great advice Jenn!