The NINJAs created an interactive map to assist you in checking your CPA Exam Scores.
Get Score Release Updates @ the CPA Exam Forum
The NINJAs created an interactive map to assist you in checking your CPA Exam Scores.
Get Score Release Updates @ the CPA Exam Forum
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Every time I click on my state it directs me to California. I tried a different state (other than mine) and it still directs me to CA. Seems the links don't work properly?
It's a sign that you should move to California, Jodi :) None of the links worked this morning...a real mess...working on fixing it :)
Should be fixed now...
Love it!!!
I took the AUD exam on the 20th day of the testing window. I know my test score might be released during the first release or I might have to wait until the next release. It all depends on when the testing center sent in my test. How long after the first release would I know if my test was scored or not? Thanks!
I don't know if it's even feasible but an NTS ticker (like a stock ticker) would be an awesome idea during score release.
Jeff where is Puerto Rico???
OMG, just release them! I just want to know! AHHHH!
Sorry - no PR or DC on the map :( PR: https://www.estado.gobierno.pr/ DC: https://ncd.nasba.org/gwprdv2/servlet/hgwcs01
Are they released at midnight or are we looking at some time in the morning?
Usually mid-day to as late as 6pm EST
Still nothing from CT for FAR...I took the exam 7/1, so I'm tired of waiting! What the heck CT! Argh.
Has anyone received them? Still waiting in PA!
Awesome idea Jeff! Very creative and practical use of the clickable map. I use the same one on my site for something else. Kudos to Pat Flynn??