The NINJAs are giving away 5 NINJA MCQ subscriptions Friday. Details in the CPA Exam Forum. HIYA!
Read MoreForum NINJA MCQ Giveaway (10/17) – Closed

The NINJAs are giving away 5 NINJA MCQ subscriptions Friday. Details in the CPA Exam Forum. HIYA!
Read MoreFrom the CPA Exam Forum… Work while getting CPA/Master’s? Big 4 Internships The “Big 4 Obsession” Fast Track to Big 4 Senior? Too old for Big 4 Campus Hire? See also: CPA Exam Survival Guide
Read MorePhillip is a NINJA CPA blogger. Fellow NINJAs, “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” I recently completed my third attempt at FAR. I am more than a little numb 3 days after the experience because I am unsure of how I performed. I want to believe that I did what I needed to
Ashley is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAS! There’s not much going on in my end of the Pursuit of CPA-ness world. I’ve purchased another NTS for my last two parts – REG & BEC – and I’ve restarted my CPA study plan. So far, I’m still on track! I’m not behind according to my
Tracey is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey y’all! Sorry it has been a little while since my last post, but I have been studying up a storm for FAR, which I took on July 8th. I hope I did better than last time, but FAR is one of those exams that you just never know.
Joe is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Sorry it has been so long since my last entry. I was forced to move my test date until August 23rd, and this will be the final time this happens, because my NTS will officially expire in August! However, I have kept up with the materials and I entered
Shannon is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I would have to think the hardest part of studying is Nailing the Videos, while taking Intense Notes. And by hard, I mean mentally hard. Possibly because it’s the first part of studying and you have to get the ball rolling. Or perhaps it’s hard to get motivated to
Ali is a NINJA CPA Blogger. NINJAs, I’m back. I don’t remember the last time I cracked open a review book or watched a video lecture. I had to dig deep into the Another71 archives to remember what my last post was about – it was that long ago. Since it’s been over a year
Rollie is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Dear NINJAs, Once again, it has been a long time since my last post even though I vow to myself to make the time period in between shorter. Hence, I am human and also a man, as my wife would say. Maybe this time I will finally learn. I
Shannon is a NINJA CPA Blogger. I took most of the month of June off from studying. It was much needed and I am ready to get this beast over with! I am in the middle of studying for Regulation and will sit in a few weeks. This is definitely a difficult time of year