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Passing the CPA Exam: The Hardest Things in Life are Worth it

Sarah is a NINJA CPA blogger. You know what’s super fun? Having two auditors breathing down your neck while working during the day, and then trying to study for AUD at night… Now on one hand I have these handy resources right here that can hypothetically answer some questions for me… but in reality it’s

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When the CPA Exam Feels Like the Enemy

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger Studying, I haven’t been in the mood to study lately. I let the stresses of life get to me too easily and it impacts my study time and desire to study. The past 2 weeks, I’ve gotten through one chapter and did all of the NINJA MCQs for that

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Keep Moving Forward – one Flashcard at a time

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger At this point in studying, it’s all about the calendar. I am over halfway through my [A71 product=”books”]FAR book, employing the NINJA method of studying, and it is starting to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Every missed opportunity to review a flashcard or listen to

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Surviving CPA Score Release

  Carolina is a NINJA CPA blogger Grrrrr!!!!!! Another failure. A lot has happened since I last wrote. I failed AUD and BEC both with a 58. I knew I was not ready when I took those tests, but I was hopeful for a miracle. I did not study as I was supposed to. I was

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New Plans to Become a NINJA CPA

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. My fellow NINJA CPA hopefuls, I digitally stand here today to inform you that I have failed again with a 64 on AUD. Being the loving husband that I am, I deferred telling my wife the news until the evening, which, in retrospect, was probably not a good idea. Instead

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CPA Exam Question Frustration

Sarah is a NINJA CPA blogger If you’re looking for a pick me up to get you back on the studying wagon, you may want to skip this one… Lately I’m feeling really down about this whole process. I was flying high after I passed my last section, because all I’ve thought about for so

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Motivation for the CPA Exam

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger Hello NINJAs! Tomorrow is the day of reconciliation at Prometric and another chance to see Lyle. Lyle is the guy that checks you in and out at my center. You know you been to Prometric too many times when you greet each other at the grocery store by name… I

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Getting through CPA study materials when life happens

Christy is a NINJA CPA blogger I have been so unmotivated to study for the past week or so. There’s just been too much stress going on in my everyday life for me to feel like I could give studying my all. I had a major turnaround last night though. I sat down, read an

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Humbled by NINJA MCQs

Josh is a NINJA CPA blogger Logging in to NINJA MCQ for the first time is a little bit surreal. This test that I’ve always seen on the horizon as a goal to shoot for is finally here. No turning back now, I’ve humble bragged about this too much on Facebook to chicken out and not

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