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Ask the NINJAs: Pass the CPA Exam with NINJA Only?

Dear NINJAs, I went over many CPA Exam forum threads about the Ten Point Combo. At first, most people used it as a supplement to their main CPA Review course. It seems like the NINJA Combo is now more like a course, contain the essential materials. This is my first time purchasing a CPA prep

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2017 CPA Exam Change Motivation

Carolina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello NINJAs, I have been feeling much better the last few weeks and I decided to take the bull by the horns. Therefore, I restructured my study plan, and I started studying and feeling more focused. I changed my FAR exam to November 17. This will allow me more

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Switching It Up: Taking a Break from Studying BEC

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! Hopefully everyone is studying hard! So a lot has happened the past few weeks; one being that my husband got a new job and gets to start that soon. Now that school is back in session, my kiddos are finally back on a good schedule, so

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I Will Not Fail: Motivated to Obliterate AUD Exam

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. Re-taking a test is the ultimate measuring stick of discipline. You have to learn how to tell that voice that says, “Oh, I read this before, I remember it” to shut the heck up. I have to remember that if I truly knew this stuff, I would be studying

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NINJA Blogging Therapy + Taking FAR before AUD

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. Update: AUD in less than 2 weeks (Taking care of health while studying) I decided to travel to go visit my father. I mentioned in my introductory blog he suffered a stroke earlier this year, prior to starting my studying section for AUD. The night I came back I

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Attitude for Success + Studying for AUD Retake

Melissa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello again NINJAs. Well, I scheduled my fourth round of AUD for the second week of November. Unless a major change happens between now and then like a job offer (I’ve been interviewing for full time positions), this gives me 6 to 7 weeks to study. I have already started

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Speed Bumps on the CPA Exam Path

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. All I have to say is I HATE COLDS. Okay, I hate any type of sickness but colds seems to be the worst. A cold just makes a normal, easy task 10 times harder. Don’t get me started on studying. Studying with a cold is not ideal. Every time I

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Melissa

Melissa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello NINJAs. My name is Melissa and I’m from the land of beer and cheese, that’s right…Wisconsin. I graduated college in 2013 and don’t really have any responsibilities yet like a husband and kids. I started my CPA journey one year ago. I had finally gotten out of a

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Welcome NINJA Blogger Keona!

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs I am an avid reader of blog. (btw I might have an obsession with visiting I started my CPA journey in December 2014. I remember waking up and thinking about the goals I haven’t reached yet and the CPA exam was one of them. I

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AUD Won the Battle, I Will Win the War

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. Seeing a 67 on your screen and letting the reality that the work you put in for the AUD led you to exactly zilch is a feeling I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies. It was deflating and humbling all at once. I knew I could have done better, done

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