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The Life of a CPA Candidate

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. Another exam sat for, another re-shuffling of priorities. Such is the life of a CPA candidate. I have completed round two with Audit, and am feeling slightly better about this attempt. I feel like a lot of the concepts were more familiar, and hopefully there will be an increase

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Studying for the CPA Exam During the Holidays

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. The holidays are here. We can’t deny it, Christmas decorations and ads have been up since before Halloween. With that said, even though it’s a busy time of year, there’s a plan in play for studying for the CPA exam. I’ve reset my stats in my NINJA MCQs and

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Playing the Waiting Game After the CPA Exam

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Test day has come and gone. What a fun way to spend a Saturday! (Note the sarcasm.) I woke up on exam day like normal. I didn’t have to be at the testing center until 1:30 so there was no rush. I sat down and did a few questions

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Finish 2015 Strong: Study BEC!

Angelle is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hey everyone! I hope your studies are going well. I have great news! I passed REG! I am now 75% of the way done and SO ready to have this behind me. As soon as I received the good news, I decided to push up my BEC exam date.

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Big CPA Exam Plans for 2016

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. So I’ll start off with the bad news, I didn’t pass my exam. Now the good news, 2016 is going to be my year! I’m going to get through the tough stuff my family is going through and I’m going to begin fresh in January. I had originally planned

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Coming up with a New CPA Exam Study Plan

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I received the dreaded 74. Honestly, I took it better than I thought (no tears). Before I received my AUD score I was looking at my study schedule for REG and was debating if it was possible to fit this test in this quarter. After receiving my failing AUD

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Facing the Beast: Fourth Round with FAR

Carolina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello NINJAs, After four months of studying, I finally took FAR again (4th time, although I don’t count the first because I didn’t study at all). It took me more time to finish studying this time around, but I had so many obstacles in my path that didn’t allow

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Did I Pass AUD? Nervously Awaiting Score

Melissa is a NINJA CPA blogger. So I took my AUD exam on the November 9th. I feel like a professional test taker every time I step into the Prometric center. It’s fun to people watch and see what other kinds of exams people are there for when they sign in. Some look like newbies

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The Best Christmas Present: Never Taking AUD Again

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. The best birthday/Christmas gift I could receive this year is never having to take any kind of Audit exam again. With re-schedules and the first failure, I have now been studying this material for over 3 months. I am ready to put this in the rear view mirror. The

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