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Video: Study for FAR in 4 Weeks?

You watched your FAR videos a year ago? That’s pretty much worthless now. Your exam’s in 28 days… And this email is actually from late January, so that’s four days ago. So, basically, your exam is at the end of February. So, really, the question is, how do you study for FAR from scratch in

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CPA Reviewed: CPA Exam Podcast – Episode 64

In this episode, we cover:
How to study for a CPA Exam retake (the right way and the wrong way)
How to deal with studying for the CPA Exam during tax season when looking down the barrel of an expiring credit
How to cram 4 exams in 10 months and leave some wiggle room for a re-take or two.
…and much (much) more!

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Moving Forward + Ready to be Done with BEC

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. A new testing window is here and I have already fallen behind. I had my exam set up for end of January but talked myself out of it. I am finding it hard to get motivated to study. I thought setting the date would light the fire and make

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Review Stage: REG Exam is a Few Days Away

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’m a few days away from taking the REG exam. I feel no way completely ready but I am in my review stage. In my review stage, I constantly pound NINJA MCQs, start working sims, and also read over my notes. I will take my REG exam right after

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BEC Study: Starting Fresh in January

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Fun and games are officially over and it’s time to focus harder on studying. It took a while to schedule my retake but I now have the date set. I got my BEC study plan set and planning on hitting the NINJA MCQs hard. I was so close to

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CPA Exam Lessons Learned

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I officially took each part of the CPA exam at least once. I’m hoping once my REG score comes out I will be 3/4 complete with the CPA exam. REG MCQs wasn’t too bad. I hope this is because I over studied. The sims weren’t too brutal but in

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Goal: Become a CPA Before September

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. The BEC exam is called the hot dog exam by some due to the content being a little bit of everything. I see it as the hot dog exam because you can consume a bunch of it without much effort. The ease of learning has helped keep the momentum

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[Video] 2017 CPA Exam Changes (The End is Near)

[ ATTENTION ]: 2017 CPA Exam Changes – PASS NOW (The End is Near) Posted by Another71 on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 INTRO: There’s something sad that’s about to happen…. presents: The 2017 CPA Exam Changes CHORUS: It’s gonna change, yeah man it’s gonna change In 2017, it ain’t gonna be the same You better

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Finding Confidence in My CPA Study Method

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. I am not a big fan of waiting, but then again who is. I didn’t plan it this way but I was excited to see that I had scheduled my exam on a date that would give me a quick result. Thankfully I only had to anticipate my results

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Speed Bumps on the Road to Become a CPA

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. Speed bump, learning opportunity, whatever you want to call it, a failing score is still just that: a fail. The Audit results are in and I’m no closer to my CPA than I was 4 weeks ago- before the test. This sucks. With another fail of Audit, I am

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