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I Need a Win: Third Round with AUD

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I took AUD for the third time this weekend. I really need a win. After reaching the half way mark in 6 months, I haven’t been able to pass that mark. I came close but no cigar with AUD. I humbled myself and watched lectures this time around. The

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CPA Exam: Digging Deep and Remembering Why

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. As I blankly stare at my computer screen, mulling over whether I am going to bed or going to study, I try to rile myself up by remembering why I want my CPA. I mentally check the list, and dig deep to find the line item that will ignite

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Slow BEC Progress + Truly Wanting the CPA Designation

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. Just a quick update in the midst of end of tax season (doesn’t affect me) and packing for China (does affect me) to share my joys and sorrows of studying for BEC. I also apologize for the depressing nature of this post. I will feel much better when I

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The CPA Exam: A Humbling Experience

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I reached my humbling period of the CPA exam process. I was able to pass the first two parts by just reading the book and completing the NINJA MCQs. For my third take at AUD, I decided to listen to AUD lectures. The lectures were boring but I was

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Taking a Short Break before Tackling FAR

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. My kids’ first official spring break was this past week. Since I am not on the 18 month time clock, nor do I have the next exam scheduled, I decided to take spring break from studying as well. Over the course of this past week, it has been a

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No Point Stressing Over My REG Exam Score

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. I took the REG exam today. I’d like to say I feel confident about how I did, but I don’t. I could sit around worrying about my score, but I can’t change it so there is no point in stressing over it. I’m taking a 2 week break from

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AUD Exam Take Three: In a Studying Slump

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I finally got to the point of questioning myself about theCPA exam. I have been studying for over a year and I have missed so much leisure time. I actually had a family member say to me that maybe this test is not for me. Ugh, this is why

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Positive Thoughts + BEC Exam Experience

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. I woke up this morning with my stomach all in knots. Today is test day! It has been a mental battle for me this morning. Not with studying, but between negative and positive thoughts. I believe that positive thinking plays a role in the exam process. Sure, you need

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Keep Calm: Overcoming REG Exam Nerves

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. As I sit to write this blog post, I realize that I have less than 2 weeks left until I face REG. My trending score in MCQs are not exactly where I want them to be; but I’m confident with lots of practice and studying I will get to

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